"Legends is one of the first songs that clicked when we started writing this record," recalls Quinn. In an interview with radio station 106.7 KROQ, Kellin Quinn spoke about the album's recording sessions.

Instrumentally, Sleeping with Sirens have strived toward a more pop-influenced sound and have departed from their post-hardcore style seen in the band's previous studio albums. AN MJR PRESENTATION WITH ARRANGEMENT BY UTA SLEEPING WITH SIRENS GOSSIP WORLD TOUR 2018 – AU + NZ WITH SPECIAL GUESTS CHASE ATLANTIC LOWER THAN ATLANTIS THE FAIM Check out Megan Carew’s gallery of this show HERE Legends Encore If I’m James Dean You’re Audrey Hepburn But Sleeping With Sirens put on one incredible show, the passion and love on the bands faces throughout was so heartwarming to me, Sleeping With Sirens have always had such a special place in my heart, and I genuinely can’t think of a negative thing to say about their performance except that it was over far too soon, until next time SWS. Considering this was the Gossip World Tour, I was surprised at the lack of songs from Gossip. Closing the show with Kick Me, the boys and the crowd feeding off each others energy for the final performance of the night, it’s not a surprise to say I left the show with no voice. Second to last we had If You Can’t Hang, which I believe would result in a riot is SWS ever took it off the set.

The opening lines of If I’m James Dean You’re Audrey Hepburn had every emo in the building in their feels. Sleeping With Sirens returned for an encore, promising the best 3 songs for last.

Congratulations live is absolutely wild and when Kellin told us the next song would be their last, the crowd roared as the “we can be legends” came through speakers, screaming and giving it their all. The Strays brought the energy back when the rest of the boys jumped back on stage for the last chorus, The Strays has always been an anthem for kids who felt they didn’t fit in but seeing a smile on almost every face on the crowd as they sing along shows how much Sleeping With Sirens music has impacted their lives. I hate to say it, but Gossip acoustic was the tiniest bit disappointing compared to the studio version but it was definitely a highlight of the night when you hear Kellins impressive vocals. Keeping with the somewhat mellow vibe the band left the stage leaving with just Kellin and Nick for an acoustic set of Roger Rabbit where Kellin shows off his beatboxing, -which has always been a personal favourite of mine – Gossip and The Strays. Hole In My Heart and One Man Army reminded is that Kellin Quinn can do alot more than just scream. Hearing Empire To Ashes live for the first time was something else I’ll tell yall that, with it’s anthem vibe the audience had undeniable unity singing together. Continuing with Go Go Go before slowing it down for Better Off Dead, accompanied with Kellins signature speech – “Life is a fucking pain in the ass sometimes, but you’re not alone we can get through it together”, bringing the crowd together as one for one of the more emotional songs of the night.

Opening with We Like It Loud there was no denying the wave of energy in the Big Top, with a crowd of almost 3000 screaming along. Finally, Sleeping With Sirens took to the stage for their first Australian show in almost 3 years.